Well, at least I think it’s cool. If you are a PC user and you are using Windows Live Mail to receive your emails did you know that you can have your feeds (for example http://piece-ofheart.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default) downloaded straight to your inbox. Here is a screenshot of what I’m talking about….
All you have to do to add a new feed is to click on the word “Feeds” at the bottom (see #1 above) and then click again on the word “Feed” at the top left (see #2 above).
Type in the feed address for that blog and you’re good to go. The best way that I’ve found to figure out the feed address is to scroll to the bottom of the blog and look for Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Right-click on that and select “copy link location” then paste that into the feed box when it asks you for the feed URL. Of course, this only works if the blog has a feed set up.
If you want to comment on the post just click on “View Online” to go to the blog and comment.
You may already know all about this but since I just recently downloaded the free Windows Mail client to try it out this is something I’ve just discovered. And now that Google Reader is no longer available I thought it was worth sharing.
Way to go, such a cool function.
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