Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Free E-Books Available Today

If anyone is interested, there are 63 titles of FREE e-books available today on Christianbooks.com ... 14 of them are Beth Moore books! You do not need the CBD Reader to read them .. any kind of tablet or e-book reader will work.  I believe this awesome deal is only for today but not 100% sure about that so I wouldn’t wait to check it out.   Here's the link:


If you do not have Adobe Digital Editions downloaded you can always opt to open it and read it right from your Christianbooks.com account.

Happy reading :-)


  1. Oh my goodness! Thanks so much for letting us know about these books! I have read some of those that are free, but I had to take advantage of many that were on that page. Thanks again and have a wonderful 2014!

  2. Thank you Sharon - I was there just a few minutes ago and I received the FREE books - Happy New Year!
    PS Now I have to figure out how to get them on my Ipad I received from hubby for Christmas - so much to learn! LOL
    Enjoy your day!


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