So, strangely enough I’m sitting here watching Dr. Who (and the dialects, lol) and I wanted to reply with a thank-you to those of you who commented on my Christmas card post. Imagine my surprise when I noticed the “Please Prove You’re Not A Robot" prompt glaring me in the face. Now, I dislike word verification as much as the next guy so I need you to know that it wasn’t me who added that little tidbit to my blog. After some investigation I discovered that Google has indeed come up with this “great” little function to “help” weed out spam and there is no way for me to turn it off. I apologize for the inconvenience. >_<
If you are a member of blogger or have another Open ID account, I do believe you can bypass this captcha box and just go ahead publish your comment but I haven’t tested that theory yet. I’ll update this post if I find out differently.
For now, I do apologize for this annoying addition that Google has so kindly provided us with.
UPDATE: As long as you are using an Open ID or Google account you can just overlook the Robot Prompt and scroll down to publish your comment.